
A marketplace that leverages blockchain technology to transform the traditional movie distribution model. We’ve built a direct-to-consumer marketplace that allows independent filmmakers and studios to connect with their audience in a secure and transparent way. By providing a peer-to-peer movie-sharing experience, Experia View creates a new ecosystem where filmmakers can sell their movies as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), and movie lovers can watch and trade their favorite films.

How it Works:

Experia View is designed to solve two major problems in the movie industry: the lack of transparency and the low profitability for filmmakers.

Experia View also provides a range of marketing tools to help filmmakers promote their movies, including trailers, social media integration, and analytics to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.


Benefits for Movie Lovers:

Access to exclusive content: Movie lovers can discover and watch movies that are not available on traditional streaming platforms.

Trading and collecting: Movie lovers can trade their favorite movies with other community members and build a valuable collection of NFTs.

Direct support: Collectors can directly support their favorite filmmakers by purchasing their movies and providing feedback and reviews to help them improve their craft and build momentum.

Rights and IP:

Experia View operates on a decentralized platform, meaning that filmmakers have full control over their intellectual property and rights. We simply charge a small minting fee and transaction fee of 2.5%, and the IP and rights remain entirely yours.